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Tips for Displaying Multiple Roles or Promotions on Your Resume.

Tips for Displaying Multiple Roles or Promotions on Your Resume.

The drawbacks of getting a promotion are minimal. Unless, of course, you can figure out how to mention it on your résumé.

Organizing your “Experience” section is simple when you switch from a job at Agency A to a senior role at Company B. It’s less obvious if you’ve advanced in your field or changed responsibilities within your company.

The good news? An employer will give you a gold star if you can adequately demonstrate your growth. Continue reading for a fast guide on presenting your expertise in the best light so you can land the next big opportunity.

Following are your alternatives for including a promotion or several positions held by the same business on your resume:

 Combine bullet points and stack your position titles.

Use can place the designations following one another under your organization header if two or several of your roles were quite similar, for example, if you were raised from assistant editor to editor but your general job tasks remained largely the same.

The bullets you use should highlight your most notable and high-level achievements from your combined time in these two roles, not from each position alone. Consider your resume a marketing tool that sells you as the ideal candidate for the position rather than a detailed summary of your professional experience as you determine what to include. In other lines, even if your responsibilities significantly altered when you moved roles, it’s more crucial to emphasize your greatest work than to list out every single thing you did each day in the beginning.

Consider whether an applicant tracking system (ATS), a piece of software that businesses use to sort and organize resumes, will be used before making this decision. ATSs may attribute all of your bullet points to your previous, more amateur title rather than the latter, more senior one if you stack your titles in this way.

There is one approach you could do to make it simpler for human viewers to rapidly understand the double title, even if there is no foolproof way to stop an ATS from being confused if you apply this technique. Just add a bullet that elaborates on your successes, such as “Promoted to Senior Account Manager within one year for great client interactions and leadership skills.”

This will demonstrate to any people viewing your cv that your qualifications are transferable to both employment and that you earned your move rather than it just happening by chance.

 Under one corporate header, separate the titles of your positions and promotions.

If the positions you’ve held at your corporation were in various departments, such as when you switched from the marketing division to the content team or when your responsibilities and accomplishments significantly changed after a promo, list the company only once but split out the designations, treating them as two distinct positions. Once more, for each position you’re looking for, you should highlight your greatest successes and relevant work experience. Add a statement under the more senior position that reads, “Promoted inside Company due to Demonstrated Project Leadership Skills” if the new role was an advancement rather than a lateral move.

Hiring managers might take a while to identify the organization that you previously worked for, but your achievements and responsibilities will be assigned to the appropriate positions.

 Make completely distinct experience records.

You should make separate experience reports for each position if they weren’t consecutive—for instance if you worked for a different firm for a while before coming back. This entails including the business more than once. But it’s alright. The recruiting manager will notice that you have advanced inside the same organization, even if it is repeated.

Even if the positions were sequential, you can utilize this strategy to make extra sure there is no misunderstanding when your resume is processed by an ATS.

You can include your promotions or the success that earned it as one of your main points under the position you were promoted to, just like with the prior approaches.

Moving forward in a firm demonstrates your ability to perform well, produce results, and be a devoted and loyal worker. Ensure your resume reflects that, and you’ll almost certainly get invited for an interview.



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