For the past two-plus years, Silverspace Inc is a tech employment firm connecting candidates and clients, facilitating access to job opportunities and the right talent.


806 Green Valley Rd Suite 200, Greensboro, NC 27408, United States



At SilverSpace Inc, we pride ourselves on being one of the best employment job hunting firms in the USA, with a meticulous hiring procedure that results in successful matches between corporate clients and professional candidates. Our top priority is client and candidate satisfaction, and we make job hunting easy with a two-step method that involves building close relationships with clients to fully understand their employment needs and corporate culture and cultivating long-lasting bonds with the prospects we hire. Based in Colfax, North Carolina, our success story is a testament to our commitment to excellence in the IT industry.

Allow us to explain our thorough hiring and interviewing procedure to you.

Our Hiring Process: Here’s what you need to know.
  • Silverspace Inc starts the hiring process by consulting with clients to understand their specific criteria and cultural requirements, as well as conducting market research to create the optimal job description.

  • Our specialized recruiters use the latest market data to develop a unique recruitment strategy, allowing us to identify and target the most qualified candidates from our extensive talent pool.

  • We provide clients with at least three high-quality candidate options within the first 48-72 hours of receiving their job description, giving them the opportunity to provide feedback and modify their requirements as necessary.

  • Our recruitment team conducts thorough screening and interviewing processes to ensure we present only the best candidates who meet our client’s needs and expectations.

  • We take the time to get to know each candidate and their unique qualifications and skills, ensuring that we find the perfect match for our clients.

Our Recruitment Interview Process
  • At Silverspace Inc, we understand that knowledge is power when it comes to hiring the right candidate. That’s why we meticulously screen every qualified applicant and provide our clients with comprehensive information such as CVs and resumes to help them better assess the candidate’s suitability for the job.
  • After our clients have identified their top candidates, our specialized team takes over to schedule and prepare them for the second part of the interview process. Our team ensures that the applicants show up to their scheduled appointment, ready to impress.
  • Our team stays in touch with both the company and the applicants throughout the hiring process to ensure that it runs smoothly. We know that our assistance can help our clients avoid potential hassles, allowing them to focus on their business and other crucial aspects of the hiring process.
  • In addition to our thorough screening process, Silverspace Inc also provides background check packages upon request. Our clients can choose from reference checks, E-Verify, and universal background screening to gain a more complete understanding of potential hires.
  • For clients interested in hiring international candidates, we offer an immigration package in addition to our character screening package. We go the extra mile to help our clients find the best fit for their business, regardless of nationality or background.