For the past two-plus years, Silverspace Inc is a tech employment firm connecting candidates and clients, facilitating access to job opportunities and the right talent.


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The most successful remote companies have a high-trust culture and value openness and transparency.

Staffing and Hiring Techniques for Successful Remote Jobs

Recruiters and HR managers have had to assess how to best screen and audition jobseekers and onboard new workers while remote since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Although no one is sure how long businesses will work remotely, a few of the new standards for hiring and training employees are probably here to stay. In order to help human resources teams, solve problems related to virtual hiring and onboarding now and in the future, we wanted to share some key perspectives on how recruiting and onboarding have altered during the epidemic.

How Can Top Talent Be Sought Out for Remote Work?

Hiring teams will still need to concentrate on using virtual and online channels for contact since face-to-face introductions and interviewing are no longer permitted in jurisdictions with quarantine regulations in place.

Following are four tips for recruiting well during the pandemic:

1. Recruit For Remote Positions

Employers should give preference to selecting employees with talents that translate well to working remotely, such as organization, excellent communication, and computer knowledge, as it is uncertain how long the pandemic will endure until 2021. Due to the distant nature of operating during the quarantine, hr personnel should also make sure that applicants are prepared to succeed with little interaction with coworkers or managers.

2. Give Online Communication Methods Top Priority

Before the pandemic, hiring teams may have used the internet and social media job advertisements, but now these channels are even more crucial for spreading the word that they are recruiting. Since face-to-face meetings are no longer an option, recruiters will mostly use online resources to discover job candidates.

Organizations should review their social networking outreach and job posts to make sure they are highlighting company culture, possibilities for career progression, and benefits for talented people. When assessing your social platforms, consistency and frequency is crucial. To attract a larger audience and maintain their interest, you should make sure that your message remains consistent throughout and that you constantly provide new and fresh information.

3. Make Use of The Talent Pool of a Staffing Firm

While actively recruiting job candidates is more challenging during the quarantine, firms can collaborate with staffing agency recruiters to increase their talent pool and improve hiring procedures while they are distant. Staffing firms provide the resources, industry knowledge, and connections to job seekers that can give enterprises the boost they need during the pandemic. Additionally, by working with an agency, employers can spend less internal time evaluating applications, organizing virtual screenings, and following up on job applications, freeing up their time to concentrate on other, more crucial business growth goals.

4. Keep up With Technological Issues

Since video and voice call platforms aren’t perfect, remote interviewers should plan their methods of contact and have fallback choices available in the event of technical difficulties. Hiring staff members must double-check meeting invitations, conduct practice calls to become comfortable with each program’s features, test the basic microphone and camera, and keep a backup pair of headphones on hand in case the first microphone breaks down. If all else fails, it’s a good idea to keep the candidate’s phone number in your pocket at all times. These strategies aid recruiters in removing potential conflict points when corresponding online, facilitating stress-free outreach.

How To Onboard Successfully While Remote?

A designated team member should periodically check in during the newly hired employees’ ramp-up time frame (e.g., first day, first week, and every 30 days thereafter) via messaging platforms and video or voice calls since it’s no longer possible to walk over to a new employee’s desk to strike up a conversation and find out how they are adjusting. This is most likely the simplest technique to guarantee that the new hire’s inquiries or concerns are promptly handled and that nothing falls through the gaps.

Making sure that new hires have access to the relevant paperwork, training videos, and other materials that are accessible and simple to use is another crucial part of onboarding. Making a paper with all the links to useful information in one location is one way to ensure that a new hire is not overloaded. Making a video that goes through the required onboarding materials and highlights the key points to pay attention to is another strategy HR managers may utilize.

As more companies adopt remote hiring. It’s crucial to:

  • Give onboarding more time if possible, and be patient with the procedure
  • Establish mentors for new employees who can follow up with them
  • respond to their inquiries about the company’s culture and expectations.
  • Be on the lookout for innovative technology that can facilitate remote onboarding and training.

Interested in finding out more about the way HR teams may deal with difficulties with hiring and onboarding during the pandemic? Consult a Silverspace specialist now!



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