Know How SilverSpace Makes your Job Search Successful in the US IT Industry

Know How SilverSpace Makes your Job Search Successful in the US IT Industry

It is not always easy for graduates and job applicants to get employment despite their best efforts. Time management, thorough dedication, and a prompt and appropriate response mechanism are all necessary for the job hunt and application procedure. If you possess this, you can make an impression and anticipate receiving an interview call shortly. However, many people still struggle despite their best efforts. This could be due to a disorganized résumé, a poor cover letter, a tardy job application, a poor email answer, a delayed response, or anything else. Since it gets boring to submit 50–100 applications per day, managing job applications frequently becomes burdensome.

Job seekers frequently tell Silverspace that they are sick of applying for jobs on their own and not hearing back from employers. They are under pressure to get employment quickly and ask for our help in that regard.

Knowing firsthand the difficulties faced by IT job searchers in the USA, Silverspace has created a comprehensive method to get through the difficulty of job search. It has stood the test of time and succeeded in all circumstances. Do you want to learn more about the services offered by Silverspace? Allow me to walk you through:

Career Counseling.

The majority of job searchers who are fed up with the US application procedure reach out to Silverspace with specific expectations. They seek a comprehensive response to their request as quickly as they can. Our specialists have structured their sessions so that after a few chats, they will be able to determine what should be done in a specific situation and make suggestions accordingly.

CV Enhancement.

With the recommendations of the Career Experts, the cv optimization expert, who has a wealth of experience in producing results-oriented resumes, will take good care of your case. They are aware of your needs and modify your resume accordingly so that it is rapidly chosen by recruiters looking for people with your qualifications.

You had it all, but you largely fell short when it came to creating a resume that was targeted at jobs. And it is here that the Silverspace personnel is important. We consistently make an effort and practice preparing resumes in accordance with current market trends. We are skilled at emphasizing your professional background and experiences.

Our personnel is aware of these crucial upgrades and the needs of the US IT job market, and they always remember to emphasize such in the CV.

Marketing your resume

Do you know why, despite applying to numerous job positions, you haven’t received a call for an interview? Here are some explanations for why Silverspace has been discovered:

Some job postings are hidden from the market, making them invisible to applicants. When we apply on our own, our applications are not promoted in that way. Along with marketing, it’s equally crucial to respond to applications and follow up with the relevant parties. You have a good possibility of not receiving a response if you spend too much time here.

We focus our approach in such a manner that a candidate who applies via us learns back too fast since we are aware of the inconsistencies and fashions in the US IT employment market.

Technical Guidance.

Silverspace integrates technical training in order to help you fill in the gaps. Based on your resume, our professionals who have considerable experience in the professional field with employment counseling and job placement will thoroughly prepare. Throughout your interview preparation sessions, they will check your interview responses. Following your trainer’s instructions closely during this stage will increase your chances of succeeding at work.

They will give you an overview of your employable skills at each stage and offer suggestions for improvement. Even if you are a grad and have read all of this, our instructors will help you gain experience in the field by having you work on actual projects.

Background investigation and induction.

Fresh job hopefuls frequently seek advice since they are unaware of the background check and induction procedures in the US. Job seekers frequently complain that we missed anything important when conducting our induction and background screenings. We added this method to our program after repeatedly hearing from applicants that they were struggling.

Consequently, in addition to helping job seekers land the position of their dreams, we also assist them with background investigation and induction procedures.

To accomplish a fruitful work placement within the United States IT industry, abide by SST’s Dos and Don’ts:


  • A resume should be written in chronological order, with the most recent experience listed first.
  • Do make your design readable and straightforward.
  • In bullet points, highlight the accomplishments of a specific work experience.
  • Highlight your interactions with well-known brands. Despite the fact that it’s an internship, prior brand experience is beneficial to you and should be noted on your CV.

Yes, you should create a CV that works well in both offline and online modes. In North America, this is helpful. You should include some formal and informal feedback, portfolio tasks, and references on your online resume. Create an imaginative resume. In the conventional one, you can include a link to your digital CV. The recruiter will only look at your CV for an average of 7 seconds, so you need to make a good impression within this time.


  • Never include a picture of yourself on a cv.
  • Additionally, do not provide your birth date, marital status, or social security number in your resume.
  • References and objectives should not be included in your resume.


  • not including any contact details in the resume or using an unbecoming email address
  • Grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.
  • less focus on details Possibly using the incorrect cover letter address and failing to adhere to the directions properly.
  • To hold your resume safe, always exercise caution regarding all of these matters.

We can help you for Recruitment & Interview Process

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