March 2023

Explanation of the H1B Visa Process and Requirements.

Explanation of the H1B Visa Process and Requirements.

The H-1B visa is one of the most desired among immigrants seeking employment in the USA. Corporations in the USA take part in the H-1B random draw every year in order to hire a qualified foreign worker for their company. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) oversees the entire system. Despite a cap on allocations, there has been an increase in applications for this visa recently. What exactly is an H1B visa? In plain English, it’s the job sponsorship that an immigrant worker receives from his company to work in the USA if the employer cannot find a qualified American employee in the same field. This work visa is subject to a number of conditions. Each year, thousands of individuals apply for it; some are chosen, while others are rejected. Your ability to obtain this visa is contingent upon obtaining a work offer from a U.S. company for a position requiring specialized knowledge. Your certifications demonstrate your qualifications. Additionally, the business must be able to demonstrate a dearth of qualified American candidates for that specific position. Requirements for an H1B visa… As long as they have the necessary valid documentation to verify it, a candidate with 12 years of specialized work experience has fewer requirements to meet. The following fields are included in the specialized fields: • Business Specialties, Engineering, Law, Health and Medical, Research. Additional supporting documentation is needed to obtain an H1B visa. You can move on with applying for an H1B visa if the applicant and the company successfully fulfill all of the aforementioned conditions. The application procedure is in detail: After logging into your account, you can check your status. The following categories display the account status: After selection, the process: Your employer may submit the appeal on your behalf after you’ve made your choice. Your employer must submit an LCA (Labor Condition Application) to the Department of Labor (DoL) for certification in order to do this. To ensure that your employment conditions do not adversely affect any other employees, LCA guarantees that your company will pay you the same wage as other identically qualified workers in that area. Your employer will complete Form I-129, register for a non-immigrant employee, and submit both Forms LCA and I-129 to USCIS together with the necessary fees and supporting documentation after the LCA has been certified. Following the approval of your form I-129, you have the following two options, depending on your easy accessibility in the US. Documents needed for the interview. Prepare for an interview based on your travel and profile. If there is a needed vacancy in the market, our Silverspace Technologies Mentors can aid you with advice on H1B and other immigration issues as well as help you get placed in the desired dream job of your choosing.


Explanation of the H1B Visa Process and Requirements. Read Post »

Six typical questions from business analyst interview!

Six typical questions from business analyst interview!

Preparing to answer typical business analyst interview questions will help you impress potential employers, whether you’re looking for your first position as an analyst or you want to advance in your career. A business analyst’s duties typically involve performing market analyses, assessing product offerings and the ultimate profitability of the company, as well as creating and maintaining benchmarks for data quality. To assist CEOs and management in making better business decisions, business analysts must possess excellent technological, data analytics, and communication abilities. Businesses respect business analysts who have a bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, or business administration and are proficient in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, and Project. There are a few questions you’re likely to be asked in any encounter for this position, even though each organization has different requirements for the job. As you become more acclimated to the potential interview questions, your chances of succeeding in the interview rise. Following are six frequent queries asked during business analyst interviews, along with tips on how to respond to them: Which systems or platforms for business analytics have you operated with? Your technical skills will be evaluated in this interview question. Don’t just list the tools you’ve used; instead, list them on your business analyst resume. Rather, give instances of how you’ve used them. Make sure to emphasize any prior experience you may have with a system that the organization use in your response if you have it. And always be truthful: Don’t pretend to be knowledgeable about the employer’s technology if you’re not. Instead, explain how you plan to quickly grow accustomed to the chosen tools and systems of the organization. What is the job of a business analyst, in your opinion? If you have never held the position before, a hiring manager may ask you this question to make sure you are aware of what a business analyst does. They are also interested in knowing your approach to the position to make sure it aligns with the demands of the business and their expectations for the position. Examine the work described in the post for this position to help you prep for this question, and then highlight those responsibilities in your response. What do you start by doing when a new project is assigned to you? Due to the fact that project management is frequently a key component of a business analyst’s role, the prospective employer is primarily evaluating your project management experience when asking you this question. There is no solitary correct response. The best way to answer is to explain your project management approach in detail, including the various phases and potential deliverables. To show the hiring manager your adaptability, give instances of when you adjusted your approach to better suit a given assignment. Have you ever persuaded a coworker to take a different path at work? Employing managers use situational questions, also known as behavioral questions, like this one to find out more about the way you might respond to various problems at work. The recruiter is also interested in learning how you may handle a delicate scenario like persuading supervisors or executives to change or even quit a set course of action. Consider a moment when you were late to a task and realized there was an effective way to handle it than what was being done at the time. Describe a time when your organization benefited greatly from your skilled communication and persuasion techniques. How do you deal with requirements changing? The purpose of this situational inquiry, like the one described above, is to assess your work style, especially how you react to shifting circumstances. It gives the recruiting manager a chance to assess your capacity for logic and critical reasoning. The following is one acceptable response: “First, I try to completely understand what the necessary revisions will entail. I then take into account the project’s finances, timetable, and resources. I then determine whether the modification would have an impact on the remainder of the design process, later development, and testing.” Have you been able to effectively communicate data findings to colleagues who are unfamiliar with business analysis? Corporate analysts frequently have to write reports and explain their conclusions to coworkers who are less knowledgeable than they are about data analysis and company data management. You need to be able to explain complicated concepts in simple terms so that everyone in the organization can grasp them if you want to succeed at your work. Describe a specific document or presentation where your strong oral and written communication abilities were required to convey the principles and recommendations contained in your response to this question. The best responses will explain how the information you provided helped a colleague make a wiser choice or advance the project. Think like a hiring manager when responding to business analyst interview questions. Consider why they are asking this specific question. You’ll be far better prepared to create an answer that will please the management if you use your skills in critical thinking to try to comprehend what information they are trying to uncover. Additionally, it can make it easier for you to get the new company analyst position you’ve been looking for.

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Illustration of an employee stressed at work due to a toxic environment, highlighting the health risks associated with such workplaces.

Toxic Workplaces Are Truly Harmful To Your Health

It turns out that the phrase “toxic workplace” wasn’t at all exaggerated. No, it’s not simply exaggeration from individuals who complain instead of rising above their circumstances or silently resigning because they are lazy. Jobs that put their workers under excessive stress are dangerous. So much so that the American surgeon general has joined the chat and is advising employers to improve. Working in workplaces that are disrespectful, exclusive, intensely competitive, unethical, or abusive is harmful to your health, according to Dr. Vivek H. Murthy. The following health consequences of a toxic work environment are listed by his office: How could a poor job be the root of so many issues? Researchers have found that having a hazardous job causes chronically high-stress levels, which in turn can result in a wide range of mental and physical health problems. The list above is by no means complete. Additionally, more workers than ever are experiencing stress and its repercussions in the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Gallup State of the Workplace 2022 report, 44% of workers worldwide said they experienced everyday stress in 2021, which is a record-high number. Particularly, American and Canadian employees reported among the greatest levels of stress of any location, with 50% claiming to experience stress on a daily basis. In a 2021 study of 1,500 U.S. employees, 76%—up from 59% two years earlier—reported having at least one sign of a mental disorder. Although COVID-19 may have made things worse, the pandemic “did not generate these work conditions,” the surgeon general’s guidance warns. The report holds the company, not the employee, accountable for addressing hazardous work situations. You did not create the hostile workplace, the ensuing burnout, or any other undesirable outcomes. However, you can attempt to determine whether the organization you work for or are interviewing with has the potential of a wholesome workplace. The surgeon general has identified five components of a healthy workplace. The surgeon general’s guideline lists the following five elements as being “important for workplace psychological health and well-being.” “Protection against harm” includes both physical and mental security as well as economic and employment stability. A toxic work environment may result if you’re always concerned about money, whether it’s because you wrestle to stay afloat or because your company frequently threatens to fire or lay off employees. The dedication “to all employees who passed away during the epidemic and to their families”—some of whom may have fallen sick as a result of hazardous working conditions—serves as an illustration of physical security. An unsafe workplace doesn’t necessarily need to be as heinous as failing to safeguard workers’ physical well-being during a fatal pandemic. A number of things can contribute to dangerous workplaces, such as disobeying safety standards, subjecting workers to hostility, racism, abuse, and bullying, as well as enforcing potentially damaging legislation. Consider whether your employer carries out the following actions: Two fundamental human wants are belonging and social support. Does your employer permit them to be satisfied? Do you have access to coworkers that can assist you with your work? Do you have the chance to communicate with others (locally or remotely)? Do you seem like a valued member of the team who is welcome? A company that values its workers’ sense of community and connection will: More than merely work-life balance, this also refers to the freedom to decide on your own at the job and the ability to act in your own best interests as a worker and a person. A place of work that doesn’t respect your autonomy may micromanage you or needlessly prescribe the methods you employ to do your tasks. Or, your employers could want you to be reachable after hours or discourage you from using any paid time off. Additionally, if your employer doesn’t value flexibility, they might not let you change your working hours to accommodate doctor’s visits or take care of family responsibilities (which disproportionately affects women). A corporation that values the balance between work and life: Being treated with dignity at work includes being respected and valued (finding purpose in your work). Do you believe that what you accomplish matters and that the firm you work for cares about you? The following employers uphold this component: There are various paths one might take to advance professionally. Growth opportunities are divided into two primary categories in the report: learning and accomplishment. Learning is the process of acquiring new skills and information through regular work, challenging tasks, and projects, or other opportunities for training and development. Achieving success entails having clear objectives that you can achieve and being acknowledged for doing so. When you achieve goals and see a route for advancement inside the organization, your employer instills competence and confidence in you. Does your workplace provide chances for advancement via any of the following practices?


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The Top 6 Skills Recent Grads Will Need in 2023.

The Top 6 Skills Recent Grads Will Need in 2023.

I’ve got good news and bad news for recent college graduates. The bad news is that entry-level candidates’ GPAs are less important to employers than they once were. As a result, all those test and assignment marks that had you camped out in the library may not be worth as much as you once believed. The good news is that entry-level candidate GPAs are less important to employers than they formerly were. As a result, the information and skills you acquired via your schooling and other experience matter much more than the grades on your transcript. New research from the National Association of Colleges and Companies (NACE) indicates that 37% of employers plan to evaluate recent grad applications based on GPA, which is a decrease from a recent high of 73.3% just a few years in the past. You, as a recent graduate, are likely more informed than anybody else that grades don’t always reflect how much you gained during school or what you might accomplish in the workplace. According to NACE executive director Shawn VanDerziel, this change “signals an understanding that screening by GPA may hinder efforts to promote an inclusive workforce as it might put students who are juggling school with work and other commitments at a disadvantage in the labor market.” So, what qualities do businesses seek in recent graduates? the knowledge, skills, and aptitudes you’ll apply at work. Employers are seeking new graduates with six key talents. For the 2023–2024 recruiting year, the following qualities were rated as very or extremely important by the majority of employers: This was deemed very significant or extremely important by 61.4% of employers. Employers look for candidates who can identify issues and suggest fixes. Regardless of your major, you probably had to examine various parts of a problem or topic, choose potential solutions or conclusions, put one of these solutions into practice, and support your choices with evidence. These are all crucial steps in the problem-solving process. Those collaborative endeavors served a purpose. Team sports as well as other cooperative extracurricular activities are additional ways to show off your interpersonal skills. You recently graduated from college and may have also juggled extracurricular activities and/or part-time employment. So, you understand how to put in a lot of effort and complete tasks. These abilities enable you to locate, assess, and synthesize data in order to make judgments and/or address issues. For instance, you could have had to identify the appropriate sources and include them in a research study or article in college if you had to evaluate data for business or science classes. Communication skills cover all methods of giving information to or receiving it from others. You contributed to class discussions, created presentations, wrote emails, and turned in written tasks like essays and lab reports while in college. Technical proficiency is the capacity to work with certain tools of technology or procedures or approaches, such as coding in JavaScript, using Excel formulas, or maximizing conversions for a promotional campaign. You undoubtedly already possess some of these skills as a recent college grad, and you can probably pick them up more easily. Extra pointers for showcasing your abilities as a new graduate. How can you convince employers that you possess these abilities and traits? Here are some suggestions for your job search in general, your cover letter, CV, and interview:

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