January 2023

5 Tips for Recruiting the Best Talent.
Hiring, Uncategorized

5 Tips for Recruiting the Best Talent

In particular, if team sizes may have decreased as a result of the pandemic, necessitating recruits to perform more while working remotely, recruiters are under a great deal of pressure to identify the appropriate candidate for available roles at their organization. Before the pandemic, the employment market was mostly candidate-driven, but layoffs and economic instability changed that, giving businesses the benefit of having more competent applicants than there are open positions. The following recruitment process tactics and recommendations should be used by recruiters in order to discover the ideal candidate. 1. Precise Job Overview Start with a job description that is concise, detailed, and realistic. In order for recruiters, managers, and candidates to assess a candidate’s fit, this should include particular tasks, talents, and traits (both needed and desired). Writing, revising, and updating a position description clarifies job criteria for all parties involved and improves the emphasis on the perfect candidate. The quality of applicant applications can be raised by creating a thorough job description and enabling them to showcase pertinent experiences connected to the position. This procedure can also deter unqualified applicants, sparing employers the expense and time of screening out inappropriate applications. 2. Organize a Scheme For Employee Recommendations People who are great often associate themselves with other proficient professionals. Even while many of your employees might already be recommending the best candidates they know for available positions to eligible connections in their circles, a well-designed employee referral program might encourage more people to do so. Consider providing incentives and challenges as referral rewards to raise interest in the program. 3. Social Media Usage Social networking is an excellent tool for hiring. Social recruiting promotes a two-way dialogue and enables you to broadcast job posts with your whole network. Even if they are not interested in the role you are hiring for, it is still possible that the individuals you approach know someone who would be a good fit. Additionally, you can provide prospective employees a window into your corporate culture by posting images and videos that reflect your employer brand from workplace activities, company events, and/or regular office life. 4. Better Interviewing Methods Finding the best interviewee is not the goal of hiring; rather, it is to locate the most competent and suitable individual. Both telephone and in-person interviews have a significant impact on employment decisions. To assess an applicant’s suitability for an open post, a recruiter may prefer some novel forms of interviews over others. Behavioral interviews, for instance, can assist a hiring manager in figuring out not just whether a candidate possesses the necessary knowledge and abilities for a position, but also how such skills have been applied in the past in practical settings. 5. Creative Recruitment Techniques If it’s challenging to fill positions through the usual methods, think about some alternate tactics. Some businesses are having success sorting through applicant pools using A.I. technologies. In particular, if an incentive program includes an incentive or bonus for a successful referral-to-hire, employee recommendations are a wonderful source for new hires. Campus recruitment is another effective recruiting strategy. Employing college grads can be a very efficient way to tap into a fresh talent pool, especially for positions that allow for the creation of the ideal employee from a less skilled candidate.   Of course, what constitutes an “ideal applicant” will change depending on the organization and the position. Because of the candidate-driven market, low unemployment, and robust economy, it is expected that competition for qualified applicants would remain intense. In order to take advantage of years of hiring and recruiting expertise, firms frequently join with strategic hiring partners like SilverSpace Technologies to quickly locate and hire the finest people for open jobs. Businesses can engage with recruiting professionals at Silverspace to find the best candidates from a vast range of top talent around the country. These applicants came from a variety of professions, including marketing and advertising, computer technology, accounting and finance, and office management. Get in touch with the knowledgeable recruiters at Silverspace Technologies to find out more about how they can assist with finding the best candidates to fill open roles.

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Major Hiring Trends Boosting Talent Procurement in 2023.

Major Hiring Trends Boosting Talent Procurement in 2023

Following a challenging hiring market in 2022, consultants have learned from their mistakes and revised their techniques in order to better target eligible prospects in 2023. Hiring teams aiming to fill open positions in the future months should keep up with the most recent hiring trends, including altering applicant preferences, acquisition outsourcing opportunities, and digital recruitment technologies, in order to remain competitive. How long into 2023 will the Great Resignation last? The Great Resignation concept is expected to persist in the upcoming months as individuals continue to search for new employment possibilities, particularly if their current position does not provide the necessary benefits or compensation. A staggering 4.5 million employees lost their employment in November 2022, and there were 10.6 million job opportunities in the economy. The employment trend isn’t anticipated to be as problematic in 2023 as it was in previous months, in part because employers have complied with worker demands for improved pay and benefits. Top Priorities for Job Seekers in 2022. According to the 2022 Recruiter Nation report, more applicants and current employees are negotiating higher compensation, up more than 20% from 2021, as reported by 73% of the recruiters polled. The top three benefits of a job, other than pay, that attracted new applicants were: Companies should also provide talent in order to reduce turnover and entice more talent: The challenges and changing trends in recruiting for 2023: While generally understaffed, recruiters must hire more applicants than ever before to fill positions available. Based on the 2021 Recruiter Nation study of 800 U.S.-based hiring experts, agility is crucial for fostering effective recruitment at this moment. Team for Recruitment in 2023 focuses. According to a survey of recruiters, their team’s top priorities for 2022 are: Among the biggest difficulties for recruiters in 2022 are: Outsourcing hiring-related tasks. Due in part to barriers to the entrance for job seekers, staffing agencies got more applications for open positions in 2021 than internal recruiters. 64% of hiring managers are boosting their budgets for recruiting in order to help overcome recruitment challenges, with a focus on external agencies to fill staffing gaps and internal hiring initiatives. Experienced staffing firms can use their extensive talent networks to connect employers with job candidates they otherwise wouldn’t find on their own. Automated Tools for Recruitment. Due in part to the transition to remote hiring and work, hiring teams are employing automation and ai more frequently than in prior years to identify talent, screen applicants, and engage with job seekers. New recruitment technology can help recruiters find more prospects and advance them through the hiring process more rapidly. 51% of assessed employers use chatbots to manage tasks like text-based recruiting, automated screening, employee recommendations, and arranging interviews. They save time and quicken the process by assisting in the qualification and identification of top applicants before the need to involve a human recruiter is necessary. Since the traditional approach is time-consuming and ineffective for progressing candidates, many recruiters also prioritize automating their candidate email nurturing. Automated nurturing shortens the hiring process, enables targeted messaging, maintains brand consistency, and gives hiring teams the information they may use to improve their subsequent email outreach. Silverspace Technologies can be of aid if your business is having trouble filling available positions, lowering staff turnover, or would need help unloading recruitment responsibilities. Contact our group of staffing specialists so we can go through your employment requirements and offer the support your business need.

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How to Attract, Hire, and Keep Talent When There Is a Shortage of Workforce.

How to Attract, Hire, and Keep Talent When There Is a Shortage of Workforce.

Restrictions are being loosened as the United States recovers from the pandemic, and market demand for products and services is surging. Employers are battling to secure their open positions in order to meet this demand, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting a near-record number of job postings (BLS). Even if there are many available positions, unemployment is still high. Although it may seem contradictory, the United States is also experiencing a significant labor shortage, making it more difficult than ever for employers to locate qualified employees. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce reported that there was a record 8.1 million job opportunities in the country on May 31st, but a disproportionately small number of workers were available to fill them. This reinforced the shortfall. The months following recent or prior U.S. economic downturns, which recovered with an employer-driven economy and robust competition for jobs, are fundamentally different from the current situation of high unemployment coupled with a shortfall of available, skilled employees. Experts identify a number of potential drivers of these disparities, such as corporate restructuring, in which some jobs are lost and others are added, a stronger emphasis on increasing compensation for hourly and lower-paid roles, and regional moves for non-work-related reasons during the epidemic. Seeking, Hiring, and Managing Talent During a Skills Gap. Numerous economists and business executives have offered solutions and advice in response to the recruiting issue to deal with the rising number of unfilled positions and the general labor shortage. Provide competitive pay, particularly for hourly and lower-paid positions. Although it may be obvious, money is still frequently cited by job searchers as the most important consideration when deciding whether or not to accept a position. Despite this, pay levels have essentially stayed unchanged for years in many industries. Employers must provide competitive pay in order to attract, retain, and hire people in the competitive labor market. To attract more people, some businesses are getting inventive with incentives, giving signing bonuses and even schemes to pay off student loan debt. Review your benefits package again and, if required, make modifications. It is now more crucial than ever to provide employees with a full benefits package. This goes above and beyond the usual benefits packages that are typically provided by employers, such as health insurance, paid time off, and a 401(k). An employee benefits expert claimed in a Forbes article that many businesses offer their employees optional perks like pet insurance, financial assistance, and other things. These can frequently be provided at no expense to the company while giving staff members the option to enroll in a more complete or comprehensive program that better suits their needs. Reevaluate what being an employee implies. Employers can boost the appeal of their positions by offering more flexibility in addition to better pay and perks. This can entail adopting a 4/10 workweek structure or allowing for flexible work hours. When needed office hours are changed to be outside of regular rush hours, and commute times are drastically cut, which results in improved employee satisfaction and perhaps a wider/deeper candidate pool. Maintaining remote work should be a priority for businesses and jobs that permit it. A recent study found that 58% of employees who worked remotely during the epidemic indicated they would “definitely” seek out a new position if their recruiter did not permit them to do so. There is evidence that employees value the ability to work remotely, with the average employee valuing remote work at about 8% of their salary. Organizations should make sure that COVID-related safety and wellness programs are current for in-office settings and that staff feel secure and at ease when they return to work. On the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you may get the most recent advice and suggestions for safe business practices. Review your employment requirements and job descriptions. Consider changing the minimal qualifications for your available roles if your job requirements are too precise and you’re not getting the type of candidate flow you need. Eliminating highly specialized business, software, or industry experience could solve this problem quickly and easily. The May U.S. Chamber of Commerce study highlighted these suggestions, urging firms to remove obstacles that keep people from entering the workforce. One step in doing this is reducing prerequisites and offering training to help job seekers acquire the necessary skills and experience. If you’re having trouble filling positions due to the labor crisis or want to review your recruiting tactics, think about working with a recruitment and employment expert. A large pool of available, skilled applicants is available at Silverspace Technologies, one of the best staffing and hiring firms in the United States. We place remote individuals in a variety of specialties, including information technology, office/administrative, accounting and finance, and creative. We can help you with Recruitment & Interview Process

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Best Employee Retention Strategies to Combat the Great Resignation

Best Employee Retention Strategies to Combat the Great Resignation

Numerous people are leaving their employment in large numbers to pursue other professional options as a result of the “Great Resignation” trend. The central concern is whether This Great Resignation will eventually become the new normal or if employers will start to cut down hiring as the economy weakens. And what can businesses do to effectively retain their qualified staff and avoid the pricey process of employee replacement? While nobody has a fortune teller and can predict with absolute certainty what will transpire in the years and months to come, businesses can take steps now to mitigate any immediate effects. Advocating for increased diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) in corporate culture, addressing burnout reasons, and taking into account what various worker types need and want from their workplaces are some of the finest employee retention techniques. How can companies deal with The Great Resignation? Keep in mind that hiring new personnel tends to be more expensive than keeping your current workforce. High staff turnover costs businesses a lot of money since it takes time and money to find a replacement, interview candidates, onboard new hires, and provide training, in addition to any logistical or efficiency issues that may arise. But how can the influence of this tendency be measured? The typical cost of replacing a paid employee is between six and nine months’ pay. This can range from 100 to 150% of an employee’s wage for technical positions. It can account for up to 213% of the C-suite employee’s compensation in this situation. Non-financial consequences of turnover can include a weakened brand for the company and a lack of teamwork or chemistry, which may tempt other employees to leave as well. What’s the Solution? Invest in retention. One of the best ways to ensure that your current personnel feels respected, valued, and appreciated is to have a solid people plan. A good place to start when addressing how to fight The Great Resignation is to transform your retention strategies. The following categories can all be incorporated into a retention strategy, however, the following three should be given special consideration: Improve inclusion, equity, and diversity (DE&I). A key factor in employee retention is DE&I. Future workers, like Generation Z, will be substantially more eclectic than their forebears, and they will demand that their companies be equally diverse. Additionally, it’s generally known that a diverse workforce – one that reflects a range of perspectives, backgrounds, and life experiences – results in teams that perform better, as well as improved job satisfaction, more innovation, and greater financial success. Who wouldn’t want to work somewhere with these qualities? Offer flexibility and work-life balance as the top priority. Indeed, a lot of workers prefer working remotely. However, it’s just one piece of the puzzle.. What do workers desire even more, do you know? the freedom to choose how and where to work. They want to be in charge of selecting the best workspace for their particular requirements and the kind of work they are currently producing. They don’t want their schedule to be set for them anymore. Additionally, employees want a better work-life balance where “personal stuff” and “business stuff” are not kept apart and dealt with at set times. As long as they are meeting standards and deadlines, people desire the freedom to attend to their highest priority at the time. Employees don’t have to ask permission to participate in their kids’ extracurricular activities, go to the doctor, walk their dogs, or go to the gym during the workday. Enhance the pool of potential employees. You cannot afford to be too picky when it comes to hiring replacements when employees depart due to the intense competition in the employment market. Otherwise, you risk having an unfilled seat and a long-lasting knowledge and skill gap in your staff. In these situations, you might need to be more flexible and take into account applicants who might not meet all of the requirements or who have a lesser experience. Establish which certifications are essential versus optional. Taking Care of Employee Burnout. One of the main reasons for high turnover is burnout, which can make workers physically and mentally exhausted. Workers may become exhausted even when working from home if they experience demotivation or a sense of isolation from their colleagues. If you’ve built strong relationships with your staff, you’ll be aware of the warning signs of burnout and know what to do: Early detection of warning indicators is essential, and how you respond as a leader can greatly influence how the person decides to proceed. In conclusion. We are unsure of whether the upcoming months or years will see any relief from The Great Resignation, which has continued for years. The advice we’ve provided here will help you be ready for any situation and develop strong, timeless engagement and retention policies to provide your firm with the best opportunity of retaining people or, at the very least, of minimizing any long-term talent pool.

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The Major Challenges & Problems Faced by International Students in the USA

The Major Challenges & Problems Faced by International Students in the USA

Issues Faced by Foreign Students in the United States. Many overseas students have always found the United States of America to be a country of opportunity as they travel there to continue their education. Numerous reputable institutions in America provide a wide range of programs that students can take advantage of and use to launch a successful career. However, there are other difficulties that foreign students run into when studying in the US. Knowing in advance about these challenges will help you deal with them effectively if you are a student who plans to travel there for your higher education: 1. Shift in Culture. You will be confused after moving from a nation known for its rich cultural diversity to a completely unrelated nation. You will be around people who don’t understand your culture, which could make you feel uncomfortable. Their lifestyle is different from yours in regards to eating habits, clothing preferences, attitudes, and a host of other aspects. In the US, even the handshake is different. When you shake hands with someone in the US, they will grip your hand firmly. If you continue to hold a losing hand, it will be clear that you lack confidence. Additionally, you must align your body language with theirs when interacting with them. You also need to be mindful of a number of behavioral standards. 2. Adjusting to different time zones. You might find the change in US time zones to be somewhat challenging. Typically, outsiders find it a little difficult to acclimatize to the changing time zones. Also possible is a change in the hours of operation. It may be necessary for you to get out of bed in the early hours of the morning to call your bank or your family at unusual hours. But there are numerous apps that can teach you about the time differences to keep you informed. These time-tracking applications are useful. 3. Linguistic difficulties. Students traveling to the USA are not illiterate in English; rather, they have trouble understanding the accent and responding. Without the ability to talk, you are unable to express yourself, which makes communication difficult. Never mind making acquaintances; even routine chats might be difficult. It can be difficult to understand the teaching sessions and can take some time to acclimatize to the accent. Therefore, when you first arrive in the States or another foreign country, not understanding the local language may cause you to be a little cautious to talk. 4. Accommodation issues. Finding the ideal area to live in will be difficult for international students. It gets even more difficult to locate a place close to the institution. There can also be issues with the budget. However, there are numerous websites that may assist you in finding appropriate locations that meet all of your fundamental needs. 5. Academic requirements. When you were studying in your nation, you received excellent scores or marks. However, since you’ve relocated to a new nation, your performance might change a little. This is a result of the altered learning environment and novel assessment techniques. 6. Dealing with financial issues. Residing in the United States is undoubtedly expensive, and you should consider your purchase carefully. Even just a chocolate ice cream will be expensive compared to what it would cost in your nation. Therefore, make intelligent investments and strive to save money rather than waste it on unnecessary purchases. You can also think about taking a part-time job to supplement your income. By doing so, you can avoid running out of money and use that cash to cover your other small needs. The greatest method for an international student to live in the United States is really to work while studying there. 7. Taking Charge in a New Surrounding. It takes time for different circumstances to adjust to them. They may not have encountered comparable climatic conditions away from their home; therefore, they will need to brace themselves for everything. Language impediments, social and cultural obstacles, academic difficulties, housing issues, financial difficulties, environmental difficulties, and many other obstacles confront international students. But if you’re informed of it and understand how to deal with such circumstances, you can get through it quickly. But throughout this period, remain inspired and never give up. Keep your eye on your professional objectives while looking into options to handle such circumstances. Looking for Job: We can help you find a job.

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Know How SilverSpace Makes your Job Search Successful in the US IT Industry
Job Search

Know How SilverSpace Makes your Job Search Successful in the US IT Industry

It is not always easy for graduates and job applicants to get employment despite their best efforts. Time management, thorough dedication, and a prompt and appropriate response mechanism are all necessary for the job hunt and application procedure. If you possess this, you can make an impression and anticipate receiving an interview call shortly. However, many people still struggle despite their best efforts. This could be due to a disorganized résumé, a poor cover letter, a tardy job application, a poor email answer, a delayed response, or anything else. Since it gets boring to submit 50–100 applications per day, managing job applications frequently becomes burdensome. Job seekers frequently tell Silverspace that they are sick of applying for jobs on their own and not hearing back from employers. They are under pressure to get employment quickly and ask for our help in that regard. Knowing firsthand the difficulties faced by IT job searchers in the USA, Silverspace has created a comprehensive method to get through the difficulty of job search. It has stood the test of time and succeeded in all circumstances. Do you want to learn more about the services offered by Silverspace? Allow me to walk you through: Career Counseling. The majority of job searchers who are fed up with the US application procedure reach out to Silverspace with specific expectations. They seek a comprehensive response to their request as quickly as they can. Our specialists have structured their sessions so that after a few chats, they will be able to determine what should be done in a specific situation and make suggestions accordingly. CV Enhancement. With the recommendations of the Career Experts, the cv optimization expert, who has a wealth of experience in producing results-oriented resumes, will take good care of your case. They are aware of your needs and modify your resume accordingly so that it is rapidly chosen by recruiters looking for people with your qualifications. You had it all, but you largely fell short when it came to creating a resume that was targeted at jobs. And it is here that the Silverspace personnel is important. We consistently make an effort and practice preparing resumes in accordance with current market trends. We are skilled at emphasizing your professional background and experiences. Our personnel is aware of these crucial upgrades and the needs of the US IT job market, and they always remember to emphasize such in the CV. Marketing your resume Do you know why, despite applying to numerous job positions, you haven’t received a call for an interview? Here are some explanations for why Silverspace has been discovered: Some job postings are hidden from the market, making them invisible to applicants. When we apply on our own, our applications are not promoted in that way. Along with marketing, it’s equally crucial to respond to applications and follow up with the relevant parties. You have a good possibility of not receiving a response if you spend too much time here. We focus our approach in such a manner that a candidate who applies via us learns back too fast since we are aware of the inconsistencies and fashions in the US IT employment market. Technical Guidance. Silverspace integrates technical training in order to help you fill in the gaps. Based on your resume, our professionals who have considerable experience in the professional field with employment counseling and job placement will thoroughly prepare. Throughout your interview preparation sessions, they will check your interview responses. Following your trainer’s instructions closely during this stage will increase your chances of succeeding at work. They will give you an overview of your employable skills at each stage and offer suggestions for improvement. Even if you are a grad and have read all of this, our instructors will help you gain experience in the field by having you work on actual projects. Background investigation and induction. Fresh job hopefuls frequently seek advice since they are unaware of the background check and induction procedures in the US. Job seekers frequently complain that we missed anything important when conducting our induction and background screenings. We added this method to our program after repeatedly hearing from applicants that they were struggling. Consequently, in addition to helping job seekers land the position of their dreams, we also assist them with background investigation and induction procedures. To accomplish a fruitful work placement within the United States IT industry, abide by SST’s Dos and Don’ts: Do’s. Yes, you should create a CV that works well in both offline and online modes. In North America, this is helpful. You should include some formal and informal feedback, portfolio tasks, and references on your online resume. Create an imaginative resume. In the conventional one, you can include a link to your digital CV. The recruiter will only look at your CV for an average of 7 seconds, so you need to make a good impression within this time. Don’ts. Avoid. We can help you for Recruitment & Interview Process


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The Best Resume Preparation Tips to Create a Winning Resume

The Best Resume Preparation Tips to Create a Winning Resume

The Ultimate Resume Writing Advice to Build a Compelling Resume. The significance of a resume. The most crucial document you’ll submit during your job search is your resume. It’s your first chance to introduce yourself to a likely employer, so you could say it’s your frontline fighter. Making the most of every second is crucial because recruiting managers and consultants only spend about six to seven seconds on every CV. A great CV can make you distinguish yourself from the competition, while a weak one can eliminate you from consideration. How to Make Your Resume Stand Out? Be concise and direct. It is best to stick with brief and direct resumes rather than lengthening them by adding pages at a time. Why not choose the latter if you could say the same thing in one line rather than four? Never Forget to Demonstrate Related Expertise. If you have any information or experience relevant to the forthcoming position for which you are applying, you should emphasize this in your CV and write it so that it stands out right away. Afterward, nothing will prevent your resume from getting chosen. Give numerical and metric evidence of your accomplishments. It is always an excellent idea to provide specific numerical examples of your accomplishments when discussing your prior professional experience. Metrics can be used to highlight your accomplishments and show the recruiting manager or recruiter exactly how you affected your prior workplace. A former sales professional might claim, for instance, that they “performed more than 50 cold calls every day, with an average 5% conversion rate.” Do not complicate matters much. Maintain an uncomplicated and understandable format. The time of your interviewer will be unnecessarily wasted if you select a challenging format. Due to their limited time, you risk losing a significant opportunity if something slips their attention. Employers often give resumes six to seven seconds of their time. You, therefore, have just six seconds to make a good impression on the interviewer. A Unique Resume for Every Position. Make sure to create a distinct resume for each job you apply for when they are in a different industry or area. It will make a concentrated effect and raise the likelihood that you’ll hear back from someone favorably shortly. Fresher’s Resume Tips. Avoid common resume mistakes. Your resume serves as the key to landing your ideal position, but if you overlook some frequent errors, you risk passing up the chance. So, the following are some key things to absolutely avoid doing while you prepare your CV. Stop or reduce spelling, grammatical, and punctuation mistakes; they will not be tolerated by the interviewer and could hurt your chances. Struggling For Job We Can Help You To Find a Job A strong resume alone won’t solve anything; it only accounts for 70% of the effort. You will need to set aside extra time and comprehend your resume for the remaining 30%. Examine your resume to determine if everything is included or not. After that, get ready for the possibility that your interviewer may ask you a lot of questions once they have seen this material. Develop a list of these with solid and concise responses. A prepared interviewee should take this into careful consideration because the majority of the interviewer’s inquiries will be drawn from your CV. You’ll achieve good outcomes if you adopt all of these resume preparation suggestions, apply them to your CV, and put them into practice.  

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